Self-proclaimed Pin-aholic!

 pinterest-profileI love Pinterest!  As any good Information Hoarder knows, it gives us a way to keep track of all of that useful….information.

I use it in my personal life.  I use it in my family life. But, I especially us it in my teaching life.

If anyone is still unaware of this wonderfully useful social media platform, you do not know what you’ve been missing.  Pinterest….think Bulletin Board…many bulletin boards, is a content collecting and sharing platform that allows members to “pin” images, videos, website information, and other objects to their pinboards.  It also includes standard social networking features like connecting (“follow”) to other pinners with similar interests to you, creating a collection of your best-found favs (“pins”), and sharing your pins with other members (“followers”).

I remember my sister and I sharing a bedroom when we were growing up.  We each had our own bulletin board.  We would rip out magazines pictures of how we wanted our room to look, hairstyles we were considering, and outfits we wanted to buy.  We would pin them amongst those of our heart-throb singers (Donny Osmond, Bobby Sherman….be still my beating heart, lol), and secrets to “How to Have a Perfect High School Senior Year”

Today, my bulletin board has grown up.  It’s become technology-based.  And, I have many of them.  I still keep pictures of hairstyles I’m considering (“pinned” to my “Headstrong Tresses” board, the more creative the board name, the more fun).  I still keep pictures of decorating styles (“Home Beautiful”).  I have a board for appetizer recipes (“There’s n App for that”), one for cool tattoos (“Next one”), one for Fitness and Motivation, and one for Arts and Crafts.  I don’t have heart-throbs anymore, but I do have a board for each of the classes I teach, and several boards for topics that relate to Marketing.  And, my #1 most important board right now, the one that links to this website and my posts.

Pinterest has become my savior when feeling guilty for spending too much time online.  It has allowed me to do find topics of interest, pin them to the appropriate board, and then come back later when I have time to think about how to use that information.  Perfect fit for my lifestyle!  I even have my students join and create boards for content relating to the class they’re in, the topic they’re researching, and their future career skills.

Future information hoarders…you will love being a pin-aholic too!