Snippets of My Life

Self-proclaimed Pin-aholic!

 I love Pinterest!  As any good Information Hoarder knows, it gives us a way to keep track of all of that useful….information. I use it in my personal life.  I use it in my family life. But, I especially us it in my teaching life. If anyone is still unaware of this wonderfully useful social media platform,
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"Like a Rocket"

July 5, 2016, a date our neighborhood will not forget for a long time.  The wrath of the storm seemed to focus on our Onalaska block.  The 10pm News started out with a Severe Storm Warning with extremely strong winds, perhaps going to a protected area of the house was a good idea. I remember
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Welcome to my new website! I’ll be using this site to develop my personal brand while learning about WordPress as I teach my marketing students how to do the same. I welcome your comments and would love to hear how you are doing similar activities on your own OR with students. Have a fantastic day!!