Earn 3 Marketing Principles Credits for Free. What is a Transcripted Credit?


Jan 2016, Speaking on behalf of our college, Western Technical College.  This is a snippet about Transcripted Credits (they interviewed me for at least 10 minutes and this was all the fame I received, lol)

The Marketing Program has transcripted credit agreements with 5 area high schools for our Marketing Principles course with hopes to grown that number.  A transcripted credit agreement means the high school agrees to teach our curriculum, including our competencies and any other specified criteria, such as a final exam, etc.   Any student in that high school course earning a ‘C’ or better, will leave that course with 3 Western Technical College credits for Marketing Principles, at no cost to the student.

The Marketing Principles course is required in several programs:
Marketing Program
Digital Marketing Program
Business Management Program